Harpy eagle is so big, it looks like a human in a costume
An American harpy eagle have recently made a lots of people on social media wondering if there’s actually a bird or some strange creature or even a human in a costume. When you look at the photos you might even say that they are all correct about what they think about the bird. This American harpy eagle in fact is the largest bird on Earth, this majestic bird is massive and it could weigh between 8.5 to 20 pounds and its wingspan could reach more than 7 feet.
After a user shared some photos on Reddit the harpy eagle’s reputation has grown a lot on the social media, he gained almost 100,000 upvotes in less than one day.

Despite its reputation on social media the species is on the endangered animals list, the harpy eagle is a fierce predator, being on the top of the food chain, because of human hand, mostly because of deforestation, their numbers have dramatically decreased.
There are less than 50,000 individuals left in the wild, most of them living in the Brazilian forests, it gained a name that is worthy of its stature, the royal-hawk.